Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh how my family cracks me up!!

This is me and Jake!
This is me and my lovely dad!!

The other day before church, my lovely dad and brother Jake were talking about Lady Gaga and how "IT" is a hermaphadite. Well I'm guessing dad didn't remember the right word. So this is how our conversation went down.

Random talking about Lady Gaga:

"Isn't Lady Gaga a hermorphadite??" -Dad

" umm dad what is a hermorphadite?, I thought it was hermaphadite" -Jake

"Hey dad, hmm what is "IT" going to morph into??"- Me

"I don't know, maybe one day it will be a boy and the next it will be a girl."-Dad

"uhhh dad, its hermaphadite, not hermorphadite." -Jake

"Hermorphadite, hermaphadite whatever...its the same thing." -Dad

A little while later..... "dad, whats a hermaphadite???" -Taylor

ahhhhhhh never did that question get answered!!! buahhhhhh!!

Oh how I just love this wonderful Sunday morning...before church conversations!!

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! I LOVE that pic of you and Jake and especially when you guys are nice to each other!
