So I've decided, its time for me to paint and do something productive to my room. I love having my Young Women hand outs on my wall, its a great reminder of the things i need to be doing right. Well,
every time i move my room around, i have to move the hand outs also. They have been moved time and time again.
I'm thinking its time to take them down for good and make a book out of them. Here is what my wall looks like with my lovely reminders.
Oh how
I'm going to miss you, my lovely hand outs!
I also have a lovely Jonas Brothers wall. I have clippings from a bunch of magazines of pictures of these lovely boys. I got a huge picture of them for my birthday last year. I love them, but i will also have to say goodbye to my Joe
Bro's wall when i paint my room. I love you Jonas Brothers, forever and always!
I'm still going to hang my big picture of them, just not the clippings.
And for the finishing touch on my walls. I have pictures some people have colored and things people have made me on this wall. These things i will continue to keep, just not on my wall.
I'm still hoping for that cork board wall
I've been wanting for about 2 years now.
So mommy and daddy will you please buy me a cork board wall so i can continue to look at my lovely things my friends and family have given me! =]