So my lovely boyfriend Cameron, has been promising to buy me a
Bumpit for a few months now. And before, I always kept telling my dad to buy me one. No one ever did. Which made me kind of sad. Until this glorious day. Mark this day everyone, July 22, 2009 at exactly 8:15 pm, Cameron purchased me a Bump it from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I am so excited about it! I have always wanted one, and now I have one! YES!!
I never really thought this amazing day would ever come along, but to my surprise, it has! I don't want you to get the wrong idea here, I truly love the Bumpit and will be having Volumized hair from now on!
Me and My
Bumpit! =]
Aaaahh!! The Amazing Bump-It! I'm so excited you made a blog Am! Your nasty toe blog is most definitely my favorite(: